Open Houses 101
2016-06-06 11:02:18 Posted By Jila RezaiArrange for a friend or relative to take care of your pets for the day. It will be much easier to show prospective buyers the house without pets underfoot.
It's a nice gesture to let your neighbors know a few days in advance that you're planning an open house.
Make sure your home is clean and clutter-free. Crowded rooms look smaller, and it will be harder for buyers to imagine how their own furnishing will look in the house.
Clean up the yard. Mow the lawn, rake leaves and make sure no tools are left lying around.
Making your home more attractive to potential buyers is more than just cleaning up-the smell of fresh coffee or home baking, for example, can make sure people feel more relaxed and at home.
Be ready 15 minutes early - if you're scheduled to start at 2pm be ready for visitors by 1:45pm. You're bound to end up with one or two early birds.
Bright lights provide a cheerful environment and make a small space appear larger. Pull back the drapes and open the blinds. Turn on all the lights.
Your realtor is there to assist you with any questions you have while selling your home so don't hesitate to give them a call.