What can I do to ensure I have good credit?
2016-09-07 08:43:52 Posted By Jila RezaiThere are several things you can do to ensure your credit remains in good standing. Following are five steps you can follow:
1) Pay down credit cards. This is the #1 way to increase your credit score.
2) Limit the use of credit cards. If there's a balance at the end of the month, this affects your score - credit formulas don't take into account the fact that you may have paid the balance off the next month.
3) Check credit limits. Ensure everything's up to date as old bills that have been paid can come back to haunt you.
4) Keep old cards. Older credit is better credit. Use older cards periodically and then pay them off.
5) Don't let mistakes build up. Always dispute any mistakes or situations that may harm your score by making the credit bureau aware of each situation.